SENB represents more than 8000 private woodlot owners in Westmorland & Kent counties along with the Parish of Rogersville. A private woodlot owner is anyone who owns 25 acres (10ha) or more of woodland.
The South Eastern New Brunswick Forest Products Marketing Board was legally established on October 15, 1981 under the Farm Products Marketing Act, with the following purpose:
- To promote and negotiate better terms of sale and develop new markets for all tree species within SENB area.
- To encourage the production and marketing of high quality primary forest products.
- To encourage and promote good woodlot management practices.
- To cooperate with other local and provincial boards in the province and elsewhere in marketing primary forest products.
- To encourage continued private woodlot ownership.
The benefits of a Forest Products Marketing Board are many. These are some of the most important:
- The woodlot owners have a single voice that can speak to government and large companies on issues important to them.
- Wood producers have one place to call to get up to date information on markets, prices and specifications for products they have for sale.
- The forest products companies can contact one place to arrange for their wood supply from private land. They do not have to deal with each individual woodlot owner, saving them time and money.
- Government can contract with the board to implement programs saving them scarce resources and get valuable feed back from the members on sensitive issues.
- The marketing board may act as a vehicle through which funds may flow from government, industry and woodlot owners to help with the funding of forest management programs.
It is truly a win – win situation for the woodlot owner, the forest products companies and the government at all levels.